Program Converter :
- Converts some physical units (maximize , minimize , convert)
- Can do simple arithmetic operations (addition , subtraction , multiplicatin , division , power).
- Calculates and plots perimeter and surface area for a (circle , square , triangle , rectangle)
- Calculates and plots area and volume for a (cube , orthotope , sphere)
- Allows the user to hide/show tabs and set any slider step and max value
- Ability to use the mouse wheel to resize the program window and to move any slider
- For help , type : help Converter
If you dont want to invoke the graphical user interface , you can simply type this :
Converter ( Value , 'Input_Units' , 'Output_Units' )
Where :
Value :
- Must be a number > 0 and less than 10000
- Only temperature conversions accept 0 or negative values
- If no input Value exists , the program will assume it equals 1
Input_Units :
Characters representing the required units to be changed
Output_Units :
Characters representing the desired output units
Syntax Used :
Is not a case sensitive and you may use any number of blank spaces anywhere
Length :
Centimeter , Meter , Kilometer , Inch , Feet , Mile , Yard , Nautical_Mile , Light_Year
Area :
Centimeter^2 , Meter^2 , Kilometer^2 , Inch^2 , Feet^2 , Mile^2 Yard^2 , Hectare
Volume :
Centimeter^3 , meter^3 , Inch^3 , feet^3 , Gallon , Ounce , Liter
Mass :
Milligram , gram , Kilogram , Ounce , Slug , Pound , Ton
Velocity :
Centimeter/hr , Centimeter/min , Centimeter/sec , Meter/hr , Meter/min , Meter/sec , Kilometer/hr , Kilometer/min , Kilometer/sec , Feet/hr , Feet/min Feet/sec , Mile/hr , Mile/min , Mile/sec ,Mach , Knot , Speed_of_Light
Acceleration :
Centimeter/sec^2 , Meter/sec^2 , Kilometer/sec^2 , Feet/sec^2 , g
Temperature :
Celsius , Fahrenheit , Kelvin , Rankin
Density :
gram/Centimeter^3 , Kilogram/Meter^3 , Ounce/Gallon , Pound/Inch^3 , Pound/Feet^3
Pressure :
Atmosphere , bar , Centimeters_of_mercury , kilogram/Meter^2 , kiloPascal , Pound/Feet^2 , Pound/Inch^2
Force :
Dyne , Newton , kilogram_force , Ounce_force , Pound_force
Flow :
Centimeter^3/sec , Meter^3/sec , Feet^3/sec , Liter/sec , Liter/hr , Gallon/min , Gallon/hr
Power :
Btu/sec , Btu/min , Btu/hr , Pound-feet/sec , Pound-feet/min , Watt , HorsePower
Example 1 :
Converter Gives : 4 mile = 6.4374 kilometer
Example 2 :
Converter(1.34,'C e l Si Us ',' Ra Nk i nE')
Converter Gives : 1.34 CelSiUs = 494.082 RaNkinE
Example 3 :
Converter (' to N ',' k I lOg RA m')
Converter Gives : 1 toN = 1000 kIlOgRAm