Program Foil Pro:
Solves the potential fow about two dimensional surfaces
Program Abilities :
- Airfoils Families
- Elliptic sections with variable axis
- NACA symmetric/cambered one series
- NACA symmetric/cambered four series, standard/modified thickness
- NACA symmetric/cambered five series, standard/modified thickness
- NACA reflexed five series, standard/modified thickness
- NACA symmetric/cambered six series standard/modified meanline
- Joukowski airfoils
- Von-Karman Trefftz airfoils
- Built-in library of 1490 different airfoil
- Four Different Aerodynamic Methods
- Analytical thin airfoil theory
- Numerical concentrated lumped vortex panel method
- Numerical low order surface distribution panel method of constant sources + constant vortex
- Numerical higher order panel method of linearly distributed surface vortices
- Four Different Spacing Schemes
- Uniform spacing
- Full cosine spacing
- Half cosine spacing
- Half sine spacing
- Lift curve slope and the zero lift alpha
- The program can read and write and flip any geometry
- If you have x and y in the matlab workspace , where x and y are column matrices representing your geometry , type : Foil_Pro ( x , y )