Program Super Foil :
Solves the subsonic inviscid flow field , and the supersonic viscous flow field , about arbitrary airfoils , using six mathematical models
Geometry Module :
- One series airfoils
- Four series airfoils , standard and modified thickness
- Five series airfoils , standard and modified thickness
- Five series reflexed airfoils , standard and modified thickness
- Six series airfoils , standard and modified mean lines
- Joukowski airfoils
- Von-Karman airfoils
- Variable axes sections
- Saved library of 1420 different airfoil file
- Four paneling schemes (normal distribution , full cosine spacing , half sine spacing , half cosine spacing )
Grid Module :
- Flat panels on the mean line
- Flat panels on the complete outer surface
- Unstructured triangular grid , for the full domain inviscid solver
- Structured elliptic partial differential grid , for the supersonic viscous solver
Aerodynamic Module :
- Analytic thin airfoil theory
- Numerical lumped vortex panel method
- Numerical constant sources + constant vortex panel method
- Numerical linear vortex panel method
- Computational integration of the potential flow equation in full-domain , using 5'th order dormand-prince integrator on triangular grid
- Supersonic compressible viscous Navier-Stokes equations , using the numerical time marching accurate Maccormack finite difference method on elliptic grid