Program Airloads-V5:
An Object Oriented Symbolic Algorithm For Aero/Hydrodynamic Design And Simulation
Program Abilities :
1- Two Dimensional Geometry Package :
- Calculates ordinates for the following :
- NACA symm/cambered one series
- NACA symm/cambered four series with standard/modified thickness
- NACA five series with standard/modified thickness
- NACA reflexed five series with standard/modified thickness
- NACA symm/cambered six series with standard/modified mean line
- Joukowski airfoils
- Von-Karman Trefftz airfoils
- Variable axis elliptical sections
- Built-in library of 1490 different airfoil
- Automatic paneling with four different schemes
- Uniform spacing
- Full cosine
- Half cosine
- Half sine
- Ability to invert any airfoil up-side-down
- Option to write a geometry file
2- Two Dimensional Solvers :
- Using Four Different Analytical/numerical aerodynamic methods to solve the inviscid compressible/incompressible potential flow about two dimensional lifting and non-lifting surfaces , for pure non-lifting panel method please refer to Constant Source Panel Method
- Thin Airfoil Theory , concentrated trigonometric distribution of vortices along the camber line
- Lumped Vortex panel method , concentrated lumped distribution of vortices at the quarter chord of each panel assembling the camber line
- Constant Source + Constant Vortex Panel Method , surface distribution of constant sources and constant vortices at each panel assembling the surface , the sources are different for each panel but the vortex is the same
- Linear Vortex Panel Method , surface distribution of linearly varying vortices distributed over each panel assembling the surface
- The package calculates dimensionless lift , momet about leading edge , moment about quarter chord , Also the center of pressure location and the zero lift angle of attack
- Plots the variation of the dimensionless lift and moments with the angle of attack
- Option to write a geometry/results file
3- Three Dimensional Geometry Package :
- The 3D Geometry Package calculates ordinates for any number of non lifting bodies using the following methods :
- Frame by frame method
- Rotate two different parametric numeric or symbolic curves in space to generate a body of revolution . Two curves to generate the upper and lower parts separately
- Option to change any point on any frame at any body
- The 3D Geometry Package reads symbolic equations and numeric numbers
- No restriction for the number of panels nor the spacing scheme as the package curve fits and surface fits all the surfaces
- The 3D Geometry Package uses the lofting method to construct lifting surfaces with any cross-section you want , with Any number of wings , any number of partitions for each wing
- Each wing may have different twist pivot
- Each partition on each wing may have different sweep pivot , sweep angle , twist and dihedral angles
- Each partition may have any airfoil family on the same wing
- Leading and trailing edge control surface for any partition at any wing
- Ability to change any local axes in the main global axes
- Different options for paneling location for lifting surfaces :
- Around the actual surface
- On the mean cambered surface
- At the chord plane
- Trailing vortices extend from each bound vortex :
- To a distance downstream
- To the panel trailing edge , then to a distance downstream
- To the panel trailing edge then to the partition trailing edge , and finally to a distance downstream
- Trailing vortices extension :
- Parallel to the x-axis
- Parallel to the free-stream
- The package automatically calculates the Mean aerodynamic chord length and position with the center of gravity and inertia tensor for the complete model
- Center of gravity location depends on area/ mass distribution
- Geometry variation module for geometry optimization
- Option to export your model to :
- Ansys 3d curves files .dat
- Datcom+ input files .dcm
- Matlab .m files
- Matlab binary files .mat
- Unigraphics spline files .dat
- Virtual reality model file .wrl
- VLAERO input file .vlp
4- Three Dimensional Solver :
- Using an advanced Vortex Lattice Method to solve the potential flow about lifting and non lifting surfaces , with the following options :
- Translational / rotational / flapping motion
- Compressible and incompressible flow fields
- Subsonic and supersonic flight speeds
- Using the default trailing wakes , the Solver Package can calculate the roll-up trailing wakes using the wake relaxation techniques
- The 3D Solver Package calculates aerodynamic forces , moments , distributed loads , static and dynamic stability and control derivatives in eight different fluids
- Dynamic stability analysis using coupled inertial moments for state space free response with step and impulsive response along the three axes
- Damping system to damp your free and forced pitch , roll and yaw
- Detailed solution for each panel with sectional airloads calculations
- Easy to find the aerodynamic center and to estimate the static margin with the zero lift angle of attack
- Solving the leading edge suction/thrust forces for sharp-edge delta wings at high angles of attack , using the leading edge suction analogy
- Horizontal and vertical tail sizing , for longitudinal and directional stability in subsonic and supersonic speeds
- Solver variation module for different attitudes
- Aeroelastic module using Matlab FEA toolbox
5- Dynamics Simulation Package :
- The Solver Package runs only one time to estimate the aerodynamic coefficients and the stability and control derivatives , while the aerodynamic model calculates new resultant forces and moments at each time step during the simulation
- Atmospheric model
- International standard atmosphere , up to 25 km altitude
- Mathematical implementation of the 1976 committee on extension to the standard atmosphere COESA , up to 32 kilometer altitude
- Military handbook MIL-HDBK-310 , non standard day climatic data up to 80 km altitude
- Military standards MIL-STD-210C , non standard day climatic data up to 80 km altitude
- Wind model
- Military specifications MIL-F-8785c for Discrete wind gust model
- Military specifications MIL-F-8785c for Discrete wind shear model
- NASA dryden discrete/continuous wind turbulence model with dryden velocity spectra
- Continuous wind turbulence with Von-Karman velocity spectra
- Gravity model implementation of the geocentric equipotential ellipsoid of the world geodetic system WGS84
- Exact
- Taylor series
- Close approximation
- Engine model , in progress
- Higher order Integrators to solve the six degrees ordinary differential equations of motion for a variable mass rigid body
- Motion animation using simple graphs/virtual reality world
- Easy to display any output data for your complete motion envelop
- Ability to use a Joystick to control your motion
- Flight control system , in progress
6- Tricks and Tweaks :
- Options for instant geometry building and/or instant airloads calculations
- Save / load / modify / add / subtract / rescale /reposition any geometry
- Default values with full description for any input data
- Ability to change the reference geometry / mass distribution / inertia
- Write results file to any file extension you want
- Ability to calculate atmospheric pressure / temperature / density / speed of sound at altitudes up to 80 kilometers
- Inertia tensor and center of gravity calculator
- External physical units converter
- Scientific math calculator
- Fixed/autohide input panels
- Easy to change any :
- Input panel color
- Font color
- Figure color
- Pressure color map
- Wireframe color
- Body color
- High light color
- Line color
- Line width
- Line marker
- Keyboard short-cuts for the most of the program functions
- Resize the program window and check buttons by hovering your mouse or just scroll its wheel
- The program can say out loud specific results
- Some voice command features , to talk to the program , in progress
The program is a one man project started at 2008
- First version 2008
- Second version 2009
- Third version 2010
- Fourth version 2012
- Fifth version 2014
the code works very well with Matlab R2020a
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